Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Interesting Article on CNN

Ok, so I am a secret science geek at heart...Well I like to understand the way things work and that includes the universe and the world around us. So I stumbled across an article today (on that is about a new telescope that NASA is building that is supposed to see 13 billion light years away. So essentially, this would allow us to see into the past as it would take the light from those stars 13 billion years to reach us. So we would be seeing the stars as they were 13 billion years ago. And scientists are claiming that the “Big Bang” happened 14 billion years ago. So we would be able to see almost the edges of the universe?? My question to scientists would be: Who made you God to say that the edge of the universe is 14 billion light years away. Also, if the light takes that long to reach us, then how are we already here? Did matter speed up and pass light?? I'm contradicts itself constantly. Maybe we should learn to take a look into our souls and take look around this beautiful earth we are destroying to find the answers. They are all around us, we just have to slow down, listen and observe and stop acting like we are the most superior beings. If we were so superior we wouldn't be destroying our home, we would be living in harmony with it. Most psychologists agree that we only use like 10% of our brains. So imagine what we would know and what we could do if we were able to tap into the other 90% of our brains that we’ve been cut-off from somehow? Maybe that part that we’ve been cut off from is our connection to the knowledge of self and essentially God. That which is of essence in you is that which is of essence in me. We are one and the same… I’m just saying…It’s possible that the Earth is beginning to rid itself of us with the floods, tsunamis, etc…; we have mutated into the cancer that is killing the bigger organism that is the Earth. The Earth has rid itself before, i.e. Ice Age, so I wouldn't be surprised if we are headed in that same direction again, this time it probably won't be ice! But I digress!!...Check out the article below though, it's pretty interesting. It made me think,as you can see I went off on a tangent, lol; maybe it will make you think too...You can’t take everything for a grain of salt…look deeper!


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