Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Do You Think Wednesday

Why do we fall for the “Bullshit?”

I often look at my daughter, the author of this Blog, and I’m amazed at the things she does and says. I see in her as a strong and beautiful Black woman and I realize that she understands. And that surprised me until I remembered she is my daughter.

Thank you dear for the opportunity to share my thoughts on your Blog.

Now, to the topic at hand. Why do we fall for the “Bullshit?” The simple answer is we love the bullshit. But what do we mean by “Bullshit?” In my hood it means a lie, a story or something that is not true.

For an example, we know Santa Claus is not real but yet it is the number one retail sales time of the year. It is also the time when the most alcohol and drugs are consumed and when the most people commit suicide. We go into more debt and become more stressed during this time of the year. All because of some “Bullshit.”

There is also no such thing as Thanksgiving. When they sat down to dine that day, the white man was planning to take the whole country while pretending to be friends with the Native Americans. Thanksgiving? No! “Bullshit.”

Plus, there are only tricks and no treats. In fact, the damn treats are tricks themselves. Look at what we eat. Most of what we eat is killing us because we eat a bunch of “Bullshit.” We eat the pigs’ feet, ears, ribs, brains, colon (chitlins), nuts (testicles), and ass. The same goes for the bull/cow and we can include the tongue. Throw in the chicken, duck, horse, snake, rat, alligator, and for some the dog and cat. From the sea we eat the “bottom dwellers.” All of the scavengers: shrimp, clams, crabs, scallops, lobsters, oysters, and catfish. What do they do down there on the bottom? They keep the waters clean. They’re nature’s sewer system. And you wonder why most of us are sick and overweight? It’s the “Bullshit.”

On to Independence Day, another “bullshit” holiday. In 1776 when that fine document was being crafted and signed, my people were on the plantation and were not included in it. Well, that’s not quite true. We were in it but we were in it as three-fourth human beings (or property to the slave owners). More “Bullshit.”

Let’s not forget Easter when we eat eggs laid by rabbits and we celebrate/remember the day Jesus was reportedly killed and the three days later rose from the dead. But these dates change almost every year. Some years they are in the middle of April. Some years they are in the last part of March. Do we really know? I couldn’t peddle this in the hood if I tried. It’s all “Bullshit.”

Finally, I know some will say Christmas is not supposed to be about Santa Claus but about the birth of Christ. They will argue that man has taken this holy day and commercialized it. Some may even say they agree with me that Santa Claus is Bullshit but not Jesus’ birthday. My only response will be how can we tell when a bull shitter is not bull shitting? Our government/society feeds us all these lies, what makes you think you should believe some and not the others. After all, everything that we know we’ve been told by the bull shitter. So how can we tell the “Bullshit” from the truth?

I’ll leave you with this: if the bull shitter was telling us the truth about Jesus Christ he wouldn’t be a bull shitter because if you are really with God then you can not “Bullshit,” because God means the “Truth!”


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Say it!!

tisharae said...

For real! What’s crazy is that even though I know it's bullshit I still go along with it because everyone else does and I want to be involved in the festivities with family and friends. For me, I am trying to figure out what it is that will help me eat better myself? I know food is bad for me when I’m eating but I still eat it just for the satisfaction of taste (which is bullshit). We can’t change the world but we can change ourselves and I need to find the motivation within to change my eating habits and stand up for what I believe in. I have a friend that I talk to about these topics with often and I am ashamed that I am aware of my disbelief in a lot of celebrated holidays, particularly religious ones, but I still celebrate them??? Even marriage, I understand there might be some financial benefits or tax breaks for married couples but why the whole wedding? It’s a waste of money. But society says it’s the right thing to do and you are not supposed to start a family without it. If I am going to marry someone for security or for the commitment to be legal, I don’t want to marry them. I want someone to be committed to me purely because they genuinely want to be with me forever and I don’t believe that a wedding or license makes it any more valid. What it does, is make it harder for them to leave or get out of the situation if later on in life they are not happy so really they are “trapped”.

I totally agree with you Mr. Chambers and I am so happy you brought this topic up! So many people are so set it their ways that the only way we can change society is by teaching our children the TRUTH... Like you have! -peace

Jlynne said...

1) I think you two are an awesome TEAM! 2)Um...Mr Chambers, don't you want to write a entry for me?? & 3) I agree with everything you said. One of the reasons why Alia & are are die hard friends is because we understand eachother, and she understands my love for African History & Pride just as she does! This is great!

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